We must find the one thing that is needful that Jesus is talking about. For many of us, the needful thing are many things not just one thing. Jesus must be saying something that really needs our attention here. What’s not to be troubled and worried about? Marriage relationships, money matters, job security, children, school, new car, house rents, mortgages, and other bills. These are the needful we mostly worry about and even more. We’ve need trained to worry like everything depends on us. If we don’t worry about it, who will? Well, that answer is already in Scripture, Jesus will. Cast all your cares upon him for He cares for you. So we know we’ve been taught wrong. If you don’t worry about it, He will and He does. Well He doesn’t worry because He’s able to fix it.

Here in Martha’s house is an even more direct and effective instruction. You can put the many things into a simple one thing and they’ll all fit and get fixed. Unless we find that one thing in every situation and circumstance of our lives,

we will be pulled in different directions.

Martha was cumbered with so much to care about but Mary did the right thing. Mary’s right thing, is Jesus’ one thing in this particular scene. Let’s follow Mary so we may find our one thing that really matters as well.

The first thing we see Mary did was sat down… Now in this age and time, that’s a lot of work.  People don’t have time to sit down with what matters anymore because like Martha, the obligations are too many. To sit is a posture of rest, tranquility and peace. Rest is not a state of inactivity, but it is a labor in spiritual rest. It is a state of doing the right activity. To every activity under the sun, the Preacher says,  there is time. To sit means to settle down. That’s one thing that many people lack today. It’s a generation, always running in circles, fast paced, moving fast in every direction. Even in church, there are many who needs to be able to sit down practically. The problem is not Satan, it’s sitting. Stop being a to and fro person in church all the time. You need your time to sit. If you’ll just sit down.

Just as sleep is generally not a state of total inactivity of body, soul and spirit, sitting in rest in God’s presence is a labor, a light yoke of Christ. In fact, there are some body functions that won’t go to work until you sleep. In the same way there are things God can’t do while you are busy. Be still and know that I am God.

There are many things you may never find while you’re struggling. You find them while you’re sleeping. Oh what a blessed gift of God sleep is. (Psalm 127:2)

God introduced sleep when man had the greatest need of companionship. Adam could be awake and still be alone. He could go around all he wanted but still won’t find what’s missing. It’s missing around him but not within him, but it takes God putting Adam to a deep sleep for God to go to work in Adam. What he’s been missing is truly not around but within him. How many people are missing what’s not lost just because they lack this one thing, the ability to sit and settle down. Stop going from church to church, teacher to teacher,  Prophet to another prophet, from one relationship to another, one meeting to another, one job to another, one city to another looking for what’s already inside you.

For God to fully take charge of the circumstance, man must come to a place of rest.

God didn’t rest because he was tired, He rested because He had accomplished one of His greatest desire; the creation of man. God’s rest was the man. His true Sabbath is us. We are His resting place!

If you can sit and settle down, you can hear God. Attention is the root of affection. Full, uninterrupted attention in the place of prayer. To be still and quiet in His presence. To dwell there, stay there and tarry until there’s an encounter, a word, a touch, a lifting, a vindication, an answer, a peace, we will be right here with the Lord.

Martha’s choice to cook and make food ready was needful but not at this time. Not when the Master was teaching and dishing the Word of life. Everything else has to wait at this point. Good activity, wrong timing.

The ability to focus on one needful thing at a time is precious. Don’t be pressured into all these important things that no one really needs. Imagine Martha processing the fact that everything she was cumbered and worried about, was not needful! What a labor loss!

Sleep well when you should sleep, work hard when you work, play heartily when you play. Be in your relationships with all your heart and soul while you’re with the ones you love. Be a one thing at a time person. Enjoy every precious moment given you. Next time, you feel like you’ve got so much to do and that anxiety begins to rise again, remember to say under your breath, there’s just one thing that’s needed right at that time… one thing that makes all other things come together. Peace!

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