Beyond Sex is designed to help married couples develop a plan towards keeping their sexual intimacy fire burning. Busy schedules cannot be an excuse. Raising children cannot be an excuse. Discover the mysteries of intimacy and the power of pleasure as you and your lover develop a deeper understanding of the nature of the sexes and establish a deeper connection between your Maker and each other.

Organizations have mission statements that state clearly the purpose and pursuit of the organization in brief. A thriving marriage is one driven by a continued sense of purpose and sustained by the passion of a single pursuit! Find a new path and passion for your marriage with this book, your relationship will be re-engineered
Unlock the power of emotional mastery with “Mastering Negative Emotions”. Discover the keys to controlling and expressing emotions for healthier relationships, be it in marriage, parenting, business, or leadership. Transform your life today!

Discover the value of your relationship with God and all other things lose their appeal. It is in the values of a relationship with God that everything else finds their truest value. Find that One treasure that gives you access to all other things. Regain your spiritual vitality and ignite a new pursuit of God with this book.

Forgiveness is a precious divine gift. You can’t give it if you don’t have it and if you do not appreciate that you have it. This book explores the possibilities of Forgiveness even in the deepest hurt and the severest of all relationship strains. There’s no hurt to deep that cannot be let go, all you need is a view point which is provided abundantly by the author. It includes devotionals that helps you walk through forgiving yourself …